Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No Summer Break For Me!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to update the blog and let you know what is ahead for me as far as business goes.

I will be attending school this summer, which is going to complicate things for work, not to mention the many other aspects of life. However, there is no doubt that I will continue to network in my surrounding environments. You know, wherever you go, wherever you are, you are always around someone that wants to succeed. So it is truly a motivational tool when you find another self-driven person.

This past year I've come across a lot of individuals my age who have complained that they can't find a job or they don't know where to start. I am surrounded by several wise people whom I consider mentors, and I've learned from them, simply put, you have to pay your dues. People my age seeking jobs should not do it for the money, they should do it for experience, because the most valuable jobs out there for young people, coincidentally do not pay much. However, I say "valuable" because they hold a priceless pay check of experience.

Now, I think the company I work for, Green Business Solutions, is truly a remarkable company. I was lucky to get involved with this company and I was fortunate enough for them to accept me as a Sales Associate. Sometimes it is not about your age, its about how driven you are to succeed.



Above, is a picture of some of our products packaged and ready to go. In business, you need a product or service that every consumer needs, and the will to succeed. The beautiful thing is Green Business Solutions and Green Project have supplied me with the product and service, and I bring to the table my will to succeed.

Although salesmen need to be a bit aggressive, this product really sells itself. We save our customers anywhere between 30% to 60% off retail prices from places like Staples or Office Depot. We are environmentally friendly, which can translate to the consumer(or business purchasing) being environmentally friendly. We can save you money, and you can save the environment. Its a cooperative business transaction that ultimately benefits everyone in the world. My primary intention is not to convince you to go green, but rather to convince you to save yourself and business some money and consequently being green in the process. So please email me for more information at JustinKwok@GreenBS.Net

You all have a great day and I hope you found my post interesting enough to make you consider purchasing ink and toner from me. Remember, we can save you money, and you can save the world!

Green Business Solutions
Sales Associate
Justin Kwok

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